Monday, November 1, 2010

Post Boys and Girls Club Thoughts

The Boys and Girls club was an interesting experience today. I had a student who wasn't very talkative or interested in much of what was going on. She had no clue who she was interviewing and had no idea what she was supposed to ask her. At one point, she goes, "Maybe I will ask her what she did for Halloween." I was a little disappointed with where the student was in the process. I guess I kind of expected to go in there and start the project right away rather than spending time blabbering to this girl about how to make a digital story. It was so hard to get her to open up let alone be excited about this project. They only thing she really had interest in talking to me about is what she would do with the $150 prize (A new outfit if you were wondering what she said....)

One of the things that I hope was impactive at least, was I explained to her that a digital story does not need to consist of photos only of the person she interviews. She can use different symbols and pictures of other people to represent what she is saying.

I also suggested that if....I mean when she actually interviews and starts to compile the relevant responses from her questions, that she circle or highlight one word in every sentence or key phrase that she thinks is important. And then, we can go through her list or words and find photos to help her convey her meanings.

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