Monday, November 29, 2010

Last Boys and Girls CLub

I was overall pleased leaving the boys and girls club last week for the final third session. My assigned student and I were able to record her script, which was a great first step in assembling her final product. I was quite surprised at how quickly she was able to record. While the final recording only totaled to about 1 minute and 30 seconds, she was able to pretty much do the entire thing in about 20 minutes. I had her read only one paragraph at a time, so we split it up into 3 different parts. She read each of them once out loud for practice and then once into the microphone. She did great! I remember when I was recording mine, I had so much trouble reading through without messing up.

I also talked with my student about ways to make pictures fit with the message she conveyed in her recording. I had her look up some sample pictures. We would pick a sentence and she would choose a word or idea that fit with the sentence and find a picture for it. She seems to really understand the concept of this digital story. Although I will not be around to see the final product, I am confident that she will produce a great story!

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